Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Getting back to normal this week.

Or should I say back to the new normal...or would that be the start of the new normal because if it's new then how can you go back to it? OMG MY HEAD HURTS ALREADY. lol

Thank you everyone for your kind messages and emails. My husband reads my web site too so he too read them over and sends his thanks.  It was a difficult week. Not as difficult in some ways as I thought it might be but downright awful in other ways. Nothing insurmountable with a little time and patience though. :)

To that end it was back to work yesterday so I should have some new beads posted for sale at some point this week. We made a bit of a change to my working area which is causing me some headaches (not literal headaches, just major aggravation) and made me a little less than productive yesterday so that was UGH. He probably won't be able to try to fix things until tomorrow so I'll just have to grin and bear it for another day. I had the bright idea to switch out the falling-apart chair mat with a piece of plywood to save money because I end up replacing those damn mats *all* the time and the size I need to protect my work area is not very small so the mats are expensive. Yes, I get to write them off on my taxes, which is a good thing, but sometimes I just don't want to spend all that cash on the same item, again and again and again. (And I have to have something because I do drop things here and there and dropping hot glass on a floor, as one might imagine, results in ugly burn marks. Who knew right?) So I thought maybe a piece of wood would be better because, theoretically, it should last forever. And it would be fine if my chair didn't fall off the back like KLUNK every time I got up to put a bead in the kiln, and my elbows weren't at different heights because it raised up one of my tables but not the other and I could actually SEE the psi gauge on my oxygen concentrator (which also got raised up and now I can't see it) because it does fluctuate a bit as I'm working and I need to adjust that and MAYBE I JUST DON'T LIKE CHANGE VERY MUCH, OK? lol I've had things a certain way since 2004 and OMG I MIGHT DIE NOW BECAUSE IT'S ALL DIFFERENT.

*ahem* Or not. There is a plan to make things better so it will work out soon. Just feel free to ignore me in the meantime. :)

Ok, who else has finished The Passage because I need to pick your brain a tiny bit about something that happened at the end. I read it one way, thought about it some, reread it, and now I'm not sure what I think. Ultimately it doesn't matter because it will/won't work itself out in next books, which will give me a definitive answer.......at some point. /shrug


Pumpkin said...

Glad to hear that things are working back to 'normal'.

I'm a person of habit and like things the same so I can understand your frustration. Hopefully you'll get it worked out soon.

Margaret said...

I haven't read The Passage. I thought about it, but couldn't take the vampire part. lol! Looking forward to seeing your new beads.

Cole said...

I haven't read that book either... Good luck adjusting to the changes in your workspace! I find that difficult too :)

Carol said...

I missed your last post about your father-in-law, Melanie--that must have been so difficult for your whole family...

Haven't read that book either so I can't help. I'm sure you'll love your new workspace after you get the kinks worked out!

Meadows08 said...

I'm glad you're getting used to your new normal. I hope you get your work space figured out.

ViviBijoux said...

Change is never easy...I'm going to sound like a broken record, but it takes time...:) about broken glass, better on the floor than on you ^_^ I got burnt on my first training day in Lampworking, not funny.

Laurie said...

Don't get beached by the waves of change! Go surfing! ;-)

Pretty Things said...

I read the book recently -- email me at lori at lorianderson dot net.

And I wanted to thank you for your kind words about losing Buddy. They meant a lot.

Jesson Balaoing said...

nice post!