Monday, May 24, 2010

One last LOST headache/hangover before we say goodbye....

But don't worry - I'm not looking to spoil any one about it. I'm going to put enough space here so that nothing shows up in the RSS feed blurb and put my comments in white. So you have no one to blame but yourself if you get spoiled here. lol







Highlight if you want to see the text. :)
I loved the finale. I'm not saying it was perfect or what I was expecting but I loved it nonetheless.

The show from the beginning was all about 'The Man of Science' vs. 'The Man of Faith' and that's exactly how it ended which, to me, is fitting. Team Faith won in the end so there are a lot of Team Science members out there pouting today. (Which is ok. If it had been reversed, the other half would be the ones pouting this morning.) All of the science fiction stuff was cool/interesting to me over the years but I never got tripped up on it so I don't care that we don't know *exactly* what the Island is. The Island always was there and always WILL be there, forever and ever, doing it's thing, with an ever-changing guardian to look over it, with new people being drawn to it for all time, etc. And let's be honest - it's probably BETTER that they didn't try to explain that. They tried to explain the Jacob/MiB origin and it was cheesy as hell. Leave the Island mythos open to interpretation vs. some cheesy explanation, I say. Every single thing that HAS been explained has been pretty much dissed by the fans so it was NEVER going to live up to expectations in that regard. The mythos they created was greater than they could ever explain in a satisfying way.

I think people are mostly ticked because a lot of characters didn't get their happy ending in 'real' life. Sawyer had to live out the rest of his life without Juliet. Kate had to live the rest of her life without Jack. Sun/Jin never got to raise their daughter. Sayid never found peace off the Island. Locke really was killed by Ben way back when. That is sad but that's life. Kudos to the producers for not trying to go back and whitewash all the Island tragedy in 'real' time. Yes the whole sideways thing was a long goodbye to give us our happy ending in the final moments in a tricky way but that's okay with me. It's not how I would have ended it perhaps but it was still beautiful and it still ended up being a proper goodbye to all of the characters I loved. Anyone who loved Six Feet Under knows that Everybody Dies in The End................and that isn't a bad thing. It's about the people you love and the connections you make along the way that matter. These were not immortal people like some crazy ass vampire shit. They were human beings and they lived their lives until they died (whenever/wherever that was). Why is that such a surprise? lol


*I like to think that Hurley reconnected with Rose/Bernard on the Island because he needed a few more friends to keep him company. (I assume he let Desmond leave the Island to sail Locke's boat back to Penny. OMG HE HAD BETTER.)

*I wasn't disappointed that there was no Walt. I wasn't even looking for him, to be honest. To me his story arc ended when we realized he was living with his grandmother, going to school, and doing his thing. He was BARELY on the show in the bigger scope of things in comparison to the other Losties. It makes sense to me he wasn't in the church because the Island, to him, was just one small part of his life. He could have had a whole long life with many other meaningful things in it (a spouse, kids, etc.). He didn't need the Losties to move on.

*I assume Sawyer worked his con man connections to get Richard a birth certificate/social security number? lol That could be a whole show unto itself! Richard reconnecting with the modern world 200 years after he left it. GOOD TIMES, PEOPLE. :)


sudobeer said...

awesome! i shared this on my facebook. i couldn't put it into words like you did. if i tried i would just end up yelling:


Carol said...

I loved reading your comments about Lost, Melanie--very well thought-out. We had mixed reactions at my house over the ending. My scientist sons were definitely pouting! I loved it, though and plan on watching it again soon :)

Walden said...

I agree with pretty much everything you said about the Lost finale. I loved the way the show ended!